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Archive for April, 2014

April 28, 2014

Internet Security and Final Project

Internet Security This week we learned about the security of online activity. The guest speaker’s bottom line was that any information stored by a device that connects to the internet can, and has already been seen by a bad guy. What I gather that means is that no information can ever be completely secure. The […]

April 15, 2014

Omeka Site

Filed under: Final Project @ 8:24 pm

I am going to make an exhibit for my Omeka site. My topic is going to be the time line of how crack became popular, highlighting areas of open use and sale and key players. By making this exhibit, I will be answering the question why crack became the drug of choice to sell/what the […]

April 9, 2014

Analyzing Text

I learned to use tools to analyze text utilizing Voyant, Wordle, and Google Ngram. Each help you analyze bodies of text in different ways, but all three create visual pieces of the text being anayled. Wordle I found Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, copied and pasted it in Wordle. It created […]

April 4, 2014

Google Map

Filed under: Theory and Practice @ 9:19 pm
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This week, I created a map using Google. I added two layers. The first layer was added using Google’s spreadsheet software. I added four points, two depicting areas where crack was sold, one indicating a location where two young men were murdered, and one addressing President Bush’s anti-drug speech. The second layer showed two areas. […]

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